Wednesday, June 29, 2011

LiveXtra - The ‘NO’ Way to Health


1998年,Ferid Murad医生和数名科学家的共同研究成果获得诺贝尔奖。他们发现NO能发出让血管放松和扩张的讯号,因此能帮助降低血压和促进心血管健康。

LIVEXtra是与诺贝尔奖得主Ferid Murad医生磋商,为心血管健康而特制的配方。它含有以下独家专利成分:
  • 自由形态的药品级氨基酸(L-精氨酸),能有效地产生一氧化碳(Nitric Oxide, NO)来促进血液循环和保持血管的弹性
  • 专利益生素CoQ10,比普通CoQ10拥有20倍更多的抗氧化成分,68倍更持久
  • 拥有其他和NO产生协同功效的营养素,如叶酸、L-甲基叶酸、维生素B6、维生素B12和乙胡萝卜素

LiveXtra 备有
6包 - RM 98
15包 - RM 208

Livextra for the heart and veins

Livextra is Nitric Oxide supplement in the form of tonic drink for a healthier heart and blood vessel. This product is the brain child of the Nobel Prize award winner in 1998 by Dr Ferid Murad which he co-shared with two other fellow scientists.

The discovery of presence of NO (Nitric Oxide) in the body enable signalling of blood vessels to relax, widen thus becomes more pliable. This allows blood flows through smoother, lowering blood pressure and promoting healthier cardiovascular.

Livextra is made up of
Free form of Pharmaceutical Grade Amino Acid (L-Arginine) that is extremely effective in producing Nitric Oxide (NO) to enhance blood flow and help keep blood vessels elastic.

Patented Probiotic CoQ10 that has 20 times higher antioxidant properties and is retained 68% longer in the body than ordinary CoQ10

Synergistic nutrients that work with NO for heart health like folic acid, metafolin, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E and beta carotene

What is Nitric Oxide?
Nitric Oxide or NO in short is produce naturally in the human body. During growing age the production of Nitric Oxide is enough to sustain and provide for to our body to maintain a healthy blood vessels and veins.

Studies have suggest that NO is release within the blood vessels’ Endothelium cells. NO is also believe to reduce arterial plaque & suppresses arteriosclerosis.

As we aged, the production of NO began to decrease just like all other vital chemicals in our body. This is when Livextra comes in as supplement to continue giving our blood vessels and veins a healthy dosage of NO.

Who should need Livextra?
People who are constantly expose to work preasure.
People with high blood preasure.
People who have unhealthy diet because of work environment.
Anyone who need to maintain a health blood vessel.

Recommended Consumption
Best to take with empty stomach 1/2 an hour before meal. If you need to take after dinner, it’s advisable to take 2 hours after meal.

Adults: 1 to 2 sachet(s) a day with 150ml of water. Some people may need to consume higher dosage because of the conditions of their blood circulation.

Empty stomach allows maximum production of NO.

LiveXtra is available in
6 sachets - RM 98
15 sachets- RM 208

*NOTED: Price NOT included postage

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