Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Top Up Bottle - Top Up Premium Water Bottle

- 不含双酚A
- 对环境友善
- 防漏
- 耐高温于摄氏100度
- 耐低温于摄氏-20度

Top Up Bottle

Polycarbonate - a material where most reusable bottles are made from - leaches Bishphenol - A (BPA), an ingredient that is harmful towards health and has a detrimental effect on fetuses, infants and young children.

Meet your daily water requirement safely with Top Up Bottles that are made from Eastman Tritan co-polyester, free of BPA!
Leak proof
Odour & stain resistant
Resistance to high temperatures up to 100 degree Celsius
Resistance to low temperatures down to -20 degree Celsius

600ml - RM 38
Twin Pack 600ml x 2 - RM56

 *NOTED: Price NOT included postage

Ester-C 500 Plus

Ester-C 500 Plus 含有富含维生素C的Ester-C活体、松树皮萃取物、生物黄铜类及非酸性抗坏血酸矿物质,采用先进专利水基科技生产以提高抗氧化特性。其中性酸碱值对胃温和


30粒 - RM 45
60粒 - RM 85
120粒 - RM 160

Ester-C 500 Plus

Ester-C 500 Plus contains Ester-C with Vitamin C metabolites, pine bark extract, bioflavonoids complex and mineral ascorbate that is manufactured using Advanced Patented Technology for enhanced antioxidant properties.
  • Its neutral pH is gentle on the stomach.
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is needed to maintain healthy bones, gums & teeth.
Recommended Dosage

Adults : 1-2 tablets daily after meals
Children : 1 tablet daily after meals

Available in
30 tablets - RM 45
60 tablets - RM 85
120 tablets - RM 160

 *NOTED: Price NOT included postage


Monday, August 8, 2011

Win IG6 牛初乳素胶囊

 Win IG6 牛初乳素胶囊

Win IG6 牛初乳 是母牛甫分娩6小時内挤取而得。它是唯一正宗、功效最强的初乳。

此全天然食品乃100%纯正、100%有机,提供最佳的天然免疫蛋白球,以达到最高的保健 效果。

Win IG6牛初乳含有最完美平衡状态的免疫因子,人体需要它们以活化超過50個生理過程,包括免疫以及所有种类细胞的再生与成长。

60 capsules - RM 100
120 capsules -RM 180
120 tablets - RM 95
240 tablets - RM 180
500 tablets - RM 330

 Win IG6 Colostrum

Win IG6 Colostrum is collected within the first 6 hours upon the birth of the calf. It is the only true colostrum that offers maximum strength.

This all-natural food is 100% pure and 100% organic, offering the highest source of immunoglobulin which is highly beneficial to our bodies.

Win IG6 Colostrum provides a perfect balance of both Immune and Growth Factors, necessary to activate more than 50 processes in the body, ranging from immunity to regeneration and growth of all cell types.

Available in
60 capsules - RM 100
120 capsules -RM 180
120 tablets - RM 95
240 tablets - RM 180
500 tablets - RM 330

 *NOTED: Price NOT included postage

ProByo 《排毒》

 ProByo 《排毒》


ProByo 是世界唯一使用专利脂质微胶囊技术生产的益生菌及耐热度高达50度。

• 益生菌数量高达60亿,包括5种良菌菌株
• 超过80个临床研究
• 重组及加强您肠道的小战士
• 对抗有害菌


15包 - RM 100
30包 - RM 180


Nourish your gut with 6 billion Probiotics daily!

ProByo is the world's only Probiotics with Patented Lipid Microencapsulation that is Heat Resistant Up to 50 degree celsius.

•    Contains 6 billion probiotics made of 5 different strains
•    Proven in over 80 clinical studies
•    Reform & build up the small soldiers in your gut
•    Combat bad bacteria

Health Tips:
Colon cleansing is necessary to eliminate toxins that accumulate in our body every day as a result of an unhealthy diet & lifestyle, environmental pollution, consumption of medicine etc. Therefore we need to practise colon cleansing at least once a month to keep our gut healthy.

Available in
15 sachets - RM 100
30 sachets - RM 180

 *NOTED: Price NOT included postage

宫宝 Palace Prime

宫宝 Palace Prime




Palace Prime是一个独特、不含酒精的草本补药,源于约500年前的古代帝国。


Palace Prime以小玻璃瓶包装,方便饮用而无需任何准备或加热。它可供回教徒食用并不含酒精、激素、勃起剂或人造色素。

Palace Prime

 The Fountain of Male Vitality

Since ancient times, the Chinese have used herbs to nourish the body, strengthen the ‘chi’ energy and balance the entire body system for optimal health. This holistic approach is preventative in nature and endears itself to modern men’s health concerns since the onset of a disease or illness if often a combination of many factors, including bad lifestyle habits, improper diet and living in an increasingly unfavourable environment.

Palace Prime is a unique, alcohol-free herbal tonic that is derived from ancient imperial wisdom dating back some 500 years. Harvested from Mount Changbaishan in China, 8 precious herbal ingredients including Pilose Antler, Ciwujia, Morinda Root and Desert Living Cistanche are used in an exclusive formulation highly concentrated for maximum potency and effectiveness to enhance energy levels, strengthen the body, reinforce male vitality and promote general health.

Palace Prime is conveniently bottled in miniature vials for consumption and does not require preparation or boiling. It is also certified halal and does not contain alcohol, steroids, erectogenic agents or artificial colouring.

10ml x 20 bottles - RM 200

 *NOTED: Price NOT included postage




根据松浦新吾郎博士,60%DNA是经遗传而获得,而另外40%是受生活方式或外在因素所影响。经过30年的生物技术研究,松浦新吾郎博士研发了一个由超过50种蔬果,经过1000天(3 ½年)发酵而成的广泛酵素催化剂,帮助释放人体的内在潜能。

Dr-Xeniji不但含有微细营养素和酵素,同时亦含有辅因子和辅酵素以促进体内所有酵素活动 ,进而提高支配着成长和发育的新陈代谢,同时改善体力、消化、细胞修复和免疫力。

超过1000天的完整发酵过程确保营养素被完全分解,就像体内的消化与吸收过程。在多项与不同医院进行的临床研究当中,发现食用Dr Xeniji可以激活器官内的酵素和抗氧化剂活动,促进健康成长和发育、增强免疫力、延缓老化、减少游离基活动和异常细胞成长。

由于Dr Xeniji是特别为孕妇研制而成,所有人皆适合并可安全食用,包括孕妇、婴儿、年长或身体衰弱的人。

15包装 - RM 210
145克罐装 - RM 565


Unleash Your Inner Potential

According to Dr. Shingoro Matsuura, 60% of the DNA is inherited while 40% is influenced by lifestyle or external environmental factors. Through 30 years of biotechnology research, Dr. Shingoro Matsuura developed a broad-spectrum enzyme catalyst from over 50 types of fruits and vegetables fermented for more than 1000 days (of 3½ years) to release the inherent potential in humans.

Dr-Xeniji does not just contain micro-fine nutrients and enzymes, but also enzyme co-factors and co-enzymes that boost the activity of all the enzymes working in our bodies to enhance metabolism which controls growth and development as well as improve energy levels, digestion, cellular repair and immunity.

The complete fermentation period over 1000 days ensures that the nutrients are completely broken down to resemble the process of digestion and absorption in the body. Clinical studies have been conducted using 
 Dr-Xeniji in collaboration with several hospitals show that consumption can promote healthy growth and development, increase immunity, delay premature ageing and reduce free radical activity and abnormal growth of cells by stimulating enzyme and antioxidant activity in organs.

As Dr-Xeniji is specially developed for pregnant women, it is suitable and completely safe for anyone, including pregnant mothers, babies, the elderly and the infirm.

Effectiveness of DR-XENIJI

Benefits of improved healthy metabolism
  • Enhances nutrition absorption
  • Promote intellectual (brain) development
  • Maximizes the metabolism of nutrients for healthy physical growth
Expectant Mothers:
  • Helps in absorption of nutrients
  • Helps in optimal and healthy growth of the fetus
  • Increases energy levels
  • Reduces complication of pregnancy
  • Helps maintain normal metabolism to regulate cholesterol levels
  • Prevent accumulation of excessive fat
  • Helps regulate blood glucose uptake by the body
  • Helps normalize renal high blood pressure
  • Reduce the risk of cancer cell formation
  • Delay aging process
  • Invigorates and maintains efficiency of body organs
Available in 
15 sachets - RM 210
145g jar - RM 565

*NOTED: Price NOT included postage

Elysyle ArÔme有機精油

Elysyle ArÔme有機精油

1.    淨化能量及心靈 
2.    袪除疾病 
3.    保持美麗和改善健康  
4.    強化內心的幸福  
5.    增強免疫系統
ArÔme 是世界最精純的香薰治療精油:
·    世界香薰治療領導者,Dr. Nelly Grosjean 精心研創的配方,提供獨一無二的香薰治療效益 
·    亞洲唯一 100% 純生物有機精油 
·    獲得ECOCERT給予 100% 認證(從栽培到蒸餾過程)
·    ArÔme Calm -鬆弛及鎮靜 您的感官,促進身心的平衡與和諧 
·    ArÔme Air  -舒緩 感官,調衡和諧及增進幸福美好感覺。促进氧气摄取改善呼吸系统。 
·    ArÔme Wind  -發揮安撫及舒緩作用,讓您感覺溫馨怡悅,改善消化系统

 Elysyle Arome Essential Oil

ArÔme Essential Oil - Asia’s Only Certified 100% Bio-Organic Pure Essential Oil

The use of essential oils for its therapeutic benefits date back nearly one thousand years, by the Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks and the Romans :

  • To clear energies and spirit
  • To cure diseases
  • To enhance beauty & wellness
  • To enhance inner well-being
  • To reinforce the immune system

ArÔme is the World’s Finest Therapeutic Essential Oil:
  • Formulated by World Leader in Aromatherapy, Dr. Nelly Grosjean to deliver specific therapeutic benefits.
  • Asia’s only certified 100% Bio-Organic Pure Essential Oil.
  • 100% certified by ECOCERT. (from farming to distillation)

ArÔme is the only 100% bio-organic pure essential oil with no addition of other carrier oil for direct application to skin. Available in 3 Exclusive Blends that works synergistically to provide specific therapeutic benefits!
  • ArÔme Calm - To relax, de-stress, calm your senses and promote harmony of mind and body.
  • ArÔme Air - To soothe the senses, harmonize and improve your well being.  Aids breathing & oxygenate respiratory system
  • ArÔme Wind - To soothe and comfort, leaving you with a warm sensation, improve digestion.

 10 ml - RM 70 each

*NOTED: Price NOT included postage


Elysyle ArÔme有機精油噴霧

Elysyle ArÔme有機精油噴霧

快速營造清新芳香環境,提振情緒,改善生活空間的氛圍提供抗菌效果。備有3 獨特配方 

 ·    ArÔme Oxygen    - 煥發、激活 及為您所吸入的空氣灌注能量。使渾濁的空氣變得清新及減少空氣中的異味。 

 ·    ArÔme Zen - 散發禪味的寧靜氣氛,適用於營造溫馨舒適 和親切交流的環境                

  ·    ArÔme Romance  - 營造出感性、溫馨及歡樂的氛圍

ArÔme Essential Oils Spray

Elysyle ArÔme essential oils spray - 100% Bio-organic pure essential oils spray

100% Bio-organic pure essential oils spray that instantly refreshes the environment, uplift moods, enhance the atmosphere of your living spaces with anti-bacterial effect!

Available in 3 unique formulas:

  • ArÔme Oxygen - To revitalize, rejuvenate and energizes the air you breathe. Refreshes stale air and minimizes odor.    
  • ArÔme Zen - To create a Zen, tranquil atmosphere, ideal for cozy and friendly communication. Soothing the senses.    
  • ArÔme Romance - To cultivate a sensual, intimate ambience and joyous atmosphere Promotes harmonious environment.

 20 ml - RM 60 each

2 x 20ml - RM 95

*NOTED: Price NOT included postage

ELYSYLE INTIMO : 3 in 1 Germ-Proof Sanitary Pad产品说明

Elysyle Tricho Hair Care

深层洁净洗发乳 - 适合普通及油性发质(300毫升) 

•    恢复头发的天然发色及亮泽
•    有效清除头皮上的过量油质

头皮护理洗发乳 - 控制头皮屑(300毫升)

•    麦卢卡蜂蜜精华有效抑制细菌的活动,改善头皮屑问题
•    柳皮萃取物具抗氧作用,减少头发油腻问题

滋润洗发乳 - 适合干性及染色发质(300毫升)


•    保护头发的色泽,避免褪色
•    保护头发的纤维质,使头发更强韧及更健康
•    提供头发抗UVA/UVB的保护

温和洗发乳 - 减少脱发(300毫升)

•    激活和促进头发的生长
•    预防头发老化

护发素 - 适合所有发质(200毫升)

•    锁住头发的水份
•    减少静电,头发变得更容易梳理
•    平衡头发的pH值,以保持毛鳞片光滑
•    葵花籽油保护头发受到烫发造型的损害,并防止紫外线的照射,使头发更光滑

Elysyle Tricho Care Hair Care提供完整护发系列,能促进头皮的健康、滋润和保护毛鳞片,以及强化发质和提升头发的活力。这是一项由日本并专为亚洲人头发研制出的产品系列,而且 蕴含15中草本植物精华,以及涵盖爱康护发品质保证的5不准则(即不含任何有害的添加剂):
1. 不含SLS
2. 不含矽
3. 不含矿物油
4. 不含动物性成份
5. 不含人造色素

Deep Cleansing Shampoo - For Normal-Oily Hair - 300ml
Uses Organic Fruit Acids and Almond Protein to:
• Restore hair's natural radiance and shine
• Purify to effectively remove excess oil from scalp & rejuvenate hair

Scalp Care Shampoo - For Dandruff Control - 300ml
• Manuka Concentrate inhibits bacterial activity and treats dandruff
• Willow Extract is anti-irritant and minimises greasy scalp problem

Moisturising Shampoo - For Dry-Colour-Treated Hair
- 300ml
Uses Melanin, Lactobacillus, Wasabi Japonica Root Extract as Protective Enzyme System to:
• Protect hair colour from fading
• Protect hair cuticle damage for stronger and healthier looking hair
• Provide UVA/UVB Protection to hair

Mild Shampoo - For Hair Fall Control - 300ml
Uses Soybean Germ Extract & Wheat Germ Extract to:
• Revitalise and enhance hair growth
• Prevent hair ageing

Tricho Conditioner - For All Hair Types - 200ml
Uses Botanical Proteins (Hydrolysed Rice, Wheat, Corn and Soy) to:
• Seal in hair moisture
• Reduce static, hair becomes manageablePrevent hair ageing
• Balance pH level of hair, so that hair cuticle is smooth
• Sunflower Seed Oil protects hair from heat styling, inhibit absorption of UV/UVA rays and add shine

Elysyle Tricho Care Hair Care offers a complete hair care range that promotes a healthy scalp, nourishes & protects hair cuticles, and strengthens & boosts hair vibrancy.

Exclusively formulated in Japan & developed for Asian hair, the formulation boasts of 15 botanical ingredients and combined with Elken's "5 NOs" Quality Assurance (does not contain harmful additives):
2. NO Silicon
3. NO Mineral Oil
4. NO Animal Derivatives
5. NO Aritificial Colouring

Deep Cleansing Shampoo - For Normal-Oily Hair - 2 x 300ml - RM 32
Scalp Care Shampoo - For Dandruff Control - 2 x 300ml - RM 36
Moisturising Shampoo - For Dry-Colour-Treated Hair - 2 x 300ml - RM40
Mild Shampoo - For Hair Fall Control - 2 x 300ml - RM 38
Tricho Conditioner - For All Hair Types - 2 x 200ml - RM 35

*NOTED: Price NOT included postage