1. 淨化能量及心靈
2. 袪除疾病
3. 保持美麗和改善健康
4. 強化內心的幸福
5. 增強免疫系統
ArÔme 是世界最精純的香薰治療精油:
· 由世界香薰治療領導者,Dr. Nelly Grosjean 精心研創的配方,提供獨一無二的香薰治療效益
· 亞洲唯一 100% 純生物有機精油
· 獲得ECOCERT給予 100% 認證(從栽培到蒸餾過程)
· ArÔme Calm -鬆弛及鎮靜 您的感官,促進身心的平衡與和諧
· ArÔme Air -舒緩 感官,調衡和諧及增進幸福美好感覺。促进氧气摄取及改善呼吸系统。
· ArÔme Wind -發揮安撫及舒緩作用,讓您感覺溫馨怡悅,改善消化系统。
Elysyle Arome Essential Oil
ArÔme Essential Oil - Asia’s Only Certified 100% Bio-Organic Pure Essential Oil
The use of essential oils for its therapeutic benefits date back nearly one thousand years, by the Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks and the Romans :
- To clear energies and spirit
- To cure diseases
- To enhance beauty & wellness
- To enhance inner well-being
- To reinforce the immune system
ArÔme is the World’s Finest Therapeutic Essential Oil:
- Formulated by World Leader in Aromatherapy, Dr. Nelly Grosjean to deliver specific therapeutic benefits.
- Asia’s only certified 100% Bio-Organic Pure Essential Oil.
- 100% certified by ECOCERT. (from farming to distillation)
ArÔme is the only 100% bio-organic pure essential oil with no addition of other carrier oil for direct application to skin. Available in 3 Exclusive Blends that works synergistically to provide specific therapeutic benefits!
- ArÔme Calm - To relax, de-stress, calm your senses and promote harmony of mind and body.
- ArÔme Air - To soothe the senses, harmonize and improve your well being. Aids breathing & oxygenate respiratory system
- ArÔme Wind - To soothe and comfort, leaving you with a warm sensation, improve digestion.
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